We had another great speaker Apr 11th at Noon at The Junkyard, an absolutely amazing, Dr. Jim Lockard, zooming in from Europe.

Dr. Jim Lockard has over 20 years in ministry, including serving on the Board for an International Spiritual Organization.
He has written:
• “CREATING THE BELOVED COMMUNITY: A Handbook for Spiritual Leadership”
• “SACRED THINKING, Awakening to Your Inner Power”
• Chapter author, “Spiritual Guidance Across Religions”, and “INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT: Emerging Worldviews and System Change”
Presents internationally at conferences/coach/consultant.
He has written:
• “CREATING THE BELOVED COMMUNITY: A Handbook for Spiritual Leadership”
• “SACRED THINKING, Awakening to Your Inner Power”
• Chapter author, “Spiritual Guidance Across Religions”, and “INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT: Emerging Worldviews and System Change”
Presents internationally at conferences/coach/consultant.